About Us

Hello! If you found our blog, chances are you are in grieving over the loss of a child. If so, your pain is our pain. We know all too well how you're feeling,

After an otherwise perfect pregnancy, our son Reese was born at 6:37 PM on February 12, 2022. He was 17 weeks early. Sudie (mom) was only 23 weeks and four days pregnant. We delivered at an incredible hospital with an amazing NICU, and that's where Reese was suppose to live for a few months before he came home with us. 

Except he never came home. At 11:00 PM on February 17th, 2022, in the middle of a torrential thunderstorm, Reese passed away in Sudie's arms. The major factor in Reese's death was a Stage IV bilateral brain bleed, but he had a very low chance from the beginning. And we knew that, which is why we did everything we could to make the most of the time we had with him. 

We plan on using this blog to write about how we feel during the grieving process. You can break up the posts as "Before Reese" (pregnancy, relationship), "During Reese" (his delivery and NICU stay), and "After Reese" (literally everything after). If you've suffered a loss of any sort, talk to us! It might help. It's helping us. 

We do not know it all by any means as we've only been doing this whole child bereavement thing for a month. However, we sure as heck are going to try to figure it out by whatever means necessary.

Our son is no longer with us in person, but he is on the internet. And the internet is forever.

-Sudie & Ross

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From Mom: Due Date.

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