Tuesday, March 15, 2022

From Dad: In Memory Of

 This was originally posted on Ross's facebook page on February 18th, 2022 at 7:14 AM

Day 6 with Reese (Thursday). It was not a good day, and unfortunately in life it's not always a happy ending. We received the devastating news of his brain scans from the doctor late in the morning. During Reese's complications overnight on Monday, he experienced significant bleeding on his brain - a grade IV bilateral IVH. The absolute worst prognosis. Reese was our perfect tiny miracle baby but the bleed meant that he was unlikely to ever come home, and he would never be able to eat or breathe on his own. We had to have incomprehensible conversations about Reese's prognosis and further care, but we were also advised that he might also decide on his own timing. Sudie got to hold Reese for a long time during the day and then I held him for hours during the evening into the night. His poor little body gave out and he died peacefully in Sudie's arms at 11PM.
I pray through my tears and through our grief that yesterday will forever be the worst day of our lives, and I ask you all to hug your little ones extra tight for us and in Reese's honor. We remain eternally grateful to the staff at the Special Cares Nursery. Reese will be cremated and his beautiful spirit will burn brightly through Sudie and I for the rest of our days.
We thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts, for the prayers and love and support. Our journey with Reese has come to an end after 5 days, and we will continue to lean on each other and on friends and family to help us get through the sorrow. We will forever have a Reese sized hole in our hearts, but we know he will forever be our little bub, our first born, big brother, and our guardian angel. Reese made us parents and we will love, honor, and celebrate his memory forever. Sudie wrote our little boy a loving obituary of all the things he might have done in this world, and we know we will see him again someday.
Reese William Davis 2/12/22 - 2/17/22
Well done, our (tiny) good and faithful servant.

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