Friday, March 18, 2022

From Dad: One Month Out

This was originally posted on Ross’s Facebook page on March 17, 2022


You were born a little over a month ago, on a beautiful Saturday evening, at Northside Hospital in Atlanta. Your mom and I were both so scared and confused, but your time came much sooner than we ever could have imagined. You were so tiny but so perfect, and don't ever forget that you are an ATLien! You live in a little blue house not too far from the zoo, and you will always be home wherever your mom and dad may be. 

We had five amazing days with you on the second floor in the Special Care Nursery. There were a lot of amazing doctors, RTs, and nurses who loved you and cared for you. Everyone prayed for you and pulled for you to grow strong, and I'm so sorry it was not meant to be for you to be in this world. We miss you so much already. 

Your last day your mom and I spent hours holding you, and it was the best hours of our lives. We talked to you, sang to you, prayed over you, and shared all the things we hoped to be able to give you in this world. I may even get a tattoo of your footprint just so I never forget the joy of holding you. You were only in your mommy's tummy for 23 and a half weeks, and you already had more hair than your dad! Your body failed you, but I want you to know you are perfect and so loved by so many. You changed our lives forever, and we are so grateful. You were baptized and received as a child of God, so I have no doubt where you are now. I hope you are having fun listening to granddaddy's jokes and fishing with papa, and since you're my son I'm sure you are also loving nana's banana pudding and mawmaw driving you to the convenience store for a coke and a snack each weekday afternoon. 

I won't ever get to hear your first words or see your firsts steps, play catch with you, see you hit a drive off the first tee, hear about your first crush, or see you walk across the stage for graduation or share a beer with you, but you are just as loved as all the children who would have been your best friends. I hope you will be there waiting for Sudie and I when our time in this world is done. I can't wait to see the color of your eyes and hold your hand walking streets of gold, and I'm comforted knowing your body is healed and perfect while you wait for us. Keep watch over us, and help us to be the best version of ourselves in your honor and memory. We love you so much little bub, and we always will. I promise, with all of my heart. 


Your mom and dad. 

Reese William Davis

2/12/2022 6:37pm -

2/17/2022 11:00pm

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